Mă uit la ea. O văd pierdută. Și ochii nu-i mai strălucesc.
Strigarea ei acum e mută și visele-i se risipesc.
Zâmbește când își amintește. Dar lacrimile curg nebune.
Este o rană încă vie și-o doare, chiar dacă nu spune...
A ars fitilul. Masa arde. În urma ei e numai scrum.
Hai spune-mi tu, dragă iubire, cum să mai spere ea acum?
A respirat crezând în tine. Te-a strâns la piept, te-a prețuit...
Dar lacrimile-au curs nebune și sufletul i-a fost strivit.
A jucat totul pe o carte. Pe cartea ce-avea semnul tău.
A pierdut totul într-o clipă și știi că tu i-ai fost călău...
Acum privești din depărtare. Vezi doar o umbră rătăcind.
Ea nu mai știe unde merge și-și poartă pașii suferind.
E numai scrum sufletul ei. Speranța ei este cenușă.
O vezi trecând prin fața ta, da-și poartă masca și-o mănușă.
N-a mai rămas nimic din ea. E doar cenușă. Simplu scrum.
Hello everyone this is a great testimony that I must share. I never believed in spells or magic not until I met Dr. Ogala My life is back !!! After 3 years of broken marriage, my wife left me with two children. I almost killed myself, I was emotionally broken down. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Ogala who I met online. One faithful day while browsing the internet, I came across a lot of testimonials about this particular caster. Some people testified that he brought their ex-lover back, others testified that he restored their uterus, cured cancer and other diseases, others testified that he could cast a spell to stop the divorce. I also come across one particular testimony, it was from a woman called Sonia, she testified about how he brought her Ex lover back in less than 2 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped his email (Drogalad02@gmail.com). After reading all of these testimonials, I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via his email and explained my problem to him. In just 48 hours, my wife came back to see me. We have solved our problems, and we are even happier than before, Dr Ogala is truly a talented man, I am not going to stop posting it because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and are looking for a real solution and a real spell caster to solve all your problems for you, contact Dr Ogala with his powers He can turn your dreams into reality.
1. Bring your boyfriend or girlfriend back
2. Bring back your husband or wife
3. Win the lottery and promotion in the offices
4. Help you get pregnant, if you need a baby
5. Complete Cure Of Any Kind of Sickness contact him now through: Drogalad02@gmail.Com.. you can Call/WhatsApp with this mobile number +2347049668119 ..